Writer. Author. Thinker. Storyteller. Artist.
Welcome to my website. As a writer, I aim to create a better understanding of the world and our place in it — a mission which has cast me in many different roles: author, podcaster, artist, and creative innovator. Read and view some of my work below, ranging from books to more informal blog posts and artwork
I am extremely proud and honored to share my latest page turner with you.
War has come to Presque Isle in more ways than one.
Henry Parrish has never felt like he belonged, either with the humans or with his own kind, the Shilund. Fighting his feelings for Vivienne and desperately trying to understand his Shilund side, he embarks on a journey to self-discovery. He only prays he doesn’t lose Vivienne in the process.
Jack feels like his life is complete now that Serena is in his arms. No longer haunted by loss, he feels he can begin to live again. Not until a tragedy strikes with a vengeance does he begin to feel his world crash around him.
Step back into the world of the Shilund, where the laws are brutal and unforgiving and love is an emotion that is unacceptable.

About me
Even as a young child I was always conjuring up stories and filling them with colorful characters, sharing them with anyone and everyone who would listen.
I was born and raised in South Eastern Kentucky and transplanted to the Cincinnati, Ohio area where I continue to live.
I have a love for sci-fi, paranormal and fantasy stories.
"Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale"
Hans Christian Andersen